We Need Your Help
Like many things in this world, Ancestry Detectives is undergoing changes. There has been a core of volunteers who have worked together for many years to make A.D. what it is today. However it is now time for other volunteers to become more involved in the meeting process to keep Ancestry Detectives in existence. So this is a plea to you for help.
Volunteers are needed to step up and host a meeting. We need 8 people a year willing to do one meeting apiece. This would continue the variety of interesting topics and keep our genealogy group going. If we do not have volunteers, we do not have meetings. This would be a tragedy as Ancestry Detectives now has a reputation of being the best genealogy group in the area. To keep this group healthy and interesting, and communicating, each person is desperately needed to volunteer in some capacity.
A Facebook host is also desired. If you know Facebook well, can set up a "business account" and monitor postings, we can use your help.
Any former meeting host or steering committee member can provide you with assistance on meeting set up. If we can all share these duties, our group can continue to be the "go to" place to learn about genealogy.
To volunteer please contact:

Your Family Tree Explained
Something we thought you'd like to know
It's obviously quite simple but it's kind of cute. We like the "count the G's rule".
You can download the chart here: Family Relation Chart

Genealogy Centers in Salem