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Meeting Schedule
Second Tuesday of the month - 10:00 am to noon at the
Silver Falls Library, 410 South Water St, Silverton, OR


We have at times provided live ZOOM coverage for those of you unable to attend in person, but have had minimal participation. Please contact us If you would like us to resume Zoom coverage. Send an email to adsteering@ancestrydetectives.org or phone 503-873-3506.


March 11 - Due to circumstances beyond our control - program has been changed. Rik Vigeland will be presenting a program on photographs in genealogical research.
April 8 - OPEN

May 13 - OPEN

June 10 - Doug Crosby
Hands on scanning session, bring your materials and a thumb drive!


    Can you help us fill in this schedule? We need hosts and programs for upcoming meetings!

    You get to be in charge of the topic, invite a speaker, arrange a field trip, or the teaching of a topic for the month of your choice. Here on our website is information on how to do it, ideas for topics, places to find a guest speaker, and ideas for field trips. (See links below) Or find your own. You are in charge! Isn't there a topic you have always wanted to know more about? Here's your chance.

    Download :

    NOTE: This is a tentative outline of our meetings for the year and is subject to change.
    If you have questions, please contact the host or hostesses.

    Also Remember: Some of the handouts for past presentations are available in the Archives.



    If you are interested in Genealogy or Family History we would love to have you come join us. We meet during the months of Sept - June, excluding December. Ancestry Detectives is not a club, there are no officers, there are no dues and you do not have to live in Silverton to join. The information you provide is used for the group roster and group emails regarding Ancestry Detective news and meetings. Everyone in the group receives a monthly meeting notice, and additional information as necessary. Your contact information will not be sold or given those outside the group.

    We look forward to meeting you!

    Below is our Membership form that you can download and bring to our meeting or send to: Kathy Valdez at: kathleenlvaldez@yahoo.com

    Download Membership Form

    New Member Contact Person: Kathy Valdez kathleenlvaldez@yahoo.com

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